Intervention trip to Dacao Village in Jilin province
CCOUC led a team of 28 members of various professions and students from The Chinese University of Hong Kong and University of Hong Kong to Dacao Village in Yingchengzi Township, Yitong Manchu Autonomous County, Siping City, Jilin province from 23 to 27 June 2017. The team organised health education activities for the villagers as well as students in Dacao Village Primary School, where health messages were conveyed.
The health education held in Dacao Village Primary School spanned across topics of dental health and waste management, receiving positive response from 58 students. For the intervention, there were three parts which included waste management; ORS and disaster preparedness; and salt intake and hypertension. Amidst heavy rainfall and slippery muddy terrain, the team has successfully conducted the intervention and has received positive feedback from villagers. Forty-eight sets of pre- and post- questionnaires were successfully collected for evaluation after the event.
In addition to the health education activities, team members were invited to visit the headquarters of Center for Disease Control and Prevention of Jilin Province (Jilin CDC) in Changchun. Public health experts and scholars from Jilin CDC and Jilin University have shared their experience in Ebola outbreak control in Sierra Leone, communicable diseases reporting system in Jilin and research on regional disease spectrum to CCOUC team. Prof Chung Pui Hong from CUHK has also introduced the system of disease control and prevention in Hong Kong.