Hong Kong Jockey Club Disaster Preparedness and Response Institute (HKJCDPRI)
Overseas Training Fellowship for Healthcare Professionals
-Administered by the Collaborating Centre for Oxford University and CUHK for Disaster and Medical Humanitarian Response (CCOUC)-
1. Introduction
In order to strengthen Hong Kong’s preparedness and capabilities for handling disasters or major emergencies, The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust donated HK$271 million to set up The Hong Kong Jockey Club Disaster Preparedness and Response Institute (HKJC DPRI), the first of its kind in Asia. The institute started operation on 1 November 2014 and is committed to establishing Hong Kong as a regional and international leader in disaster preparedness and response training, and promoting local community resilience. A five-year programme from 2014 to 2019 will be executed to train healthcare professionals, NGOs and members of the community. Ongoing professional education and networking platform will be provided, enabling meaningful discussions related to education, policy development and accreditation.
The initiative of Overseas Training Fellowship is an effort to bring into Hong Kong and the wider Asian region the most comprehensive and updated knowledge through enabling healthcare professionals to study or work at renowned overseas training institutes or disaster-related agencies. This is a unique opportunity for healthcare professionals to enhance their knowledge and skills in disaster preparedness and response in the practical and real setting. The fellows will attend overseas training courses on disaster management, and/or institutionalising placements at overseas disaster-related agencies. It would be of great value to the community for healthcare professionals to experience first-hand how disaster planning and response is carried out in well-established agencies overseas as the fellows will be able to translate and adapt what they have learnt to suit local needs.
2. Aim and Objectives
The fellowship aims to bring into Hong Kong and the wider Asian region the most comprehensive and updated knowledge through enabling local healthcare professionals to study or work at renowned overseas training institutes or disaster-related agencies.
The objectives are:
- To equip disaster responders with knowledge and skills in disaster preparedness and response by overseas non-clinical public health training, in particular the healthcare professionals;
- To learn from disaster management for improvement in future incidents by placements at overseas disaster-related agencies;
- To enhance HKJCDPRI and other institutes’ capacity to provide evidence-based emergency assistance and influence in disaster preparedness actions and policies; and
- To network and influence counterparts in the disaster preparedness field in overseas and Hong Kong.
3. Eligibility criteria
The applicant must be:
- Holding relevant undergraduate or post-graduate university degree(s), and/or registered with healthcare professional qualification(s) in Hong Kong and/or Asia. Healthcare professionals include medical doctors, nurses, public health practitioners, academics and researchers, or workers in any other health professions; and
- Working or having worked in a local or international institute in Hong Kong, mainland China or other Asian regions; preference will be given to those in an institute which has worked on emergency, disaster preparedness, medical humanitarian response and/or post-disaster development.
- Being familiar with institutional emergency response system or having knowledge of the system in Hong Kong, China and Asia would be an asset.
4. Value of the Award and Award Requirements
The maximum value of the award is HK$150,000 each. A fellow is expected to take up an overseas training course and/or overseas placement related to disaster preparedness and response. A fellow can either attend a training course or a placement, or doing both at the same or different period(s). The total period, i.e. period for the course(s) and/or placement, is from a minimum of three months to a maximum of one year. The course tuition fee and/or other eligible expenses on travel, accommodation, meal, insurance, etc. are reimbursed under agreed regulations. Adjustment to the value of the award will be made according to the location of the training and/or placement.
4a. Overseas Training Course
The fellowship supports the following overseas training courses offered by universities and organisations. The course can be a certificate, diploma or degree course, or a module of a degree programme. Distance learning or online courses are not eligible. An applicant may select up to two eligible courses that s/he wishes to attend, in order of preference. There is no restriction on the location of the course except it should be outside Hong Kong. If the two courses are in different countries, only one return transportation fee from Hong Kong to one overseas destination would be reimbursed. The training courses must focus on or related to emergency, disaster, or medical humanitarian response and development. Information on some of the eligible courses is available at:
- Association of Schools & Programs of Public Health (http://www.aspph.org/program-finder/)
- CDC Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response, Education, Training, and Planning Resources (http://www.cdc.gov/phpr/training.htm)
- CRIMEDIM (https://crimedim.dir.unipmn.it/course/index.php)
- Prevention Web, Academic Programmes (http://www.preventionweb.net/english/professional/trainings-events/academics/)
The above list is not exhaustive and applicants can applied for the fellowship with other related training courses with supporting information.
4b. Overseas Non-clinical Placements
The fellowship supports the following overseas non-clinical placements, with priority given to placements:
- Approved by professional Public Health institute or agency as part of their training programmes, e.g., the UK’s Faculty of Public Health[1], and US CDC[2];
- In a government executive health agency, e.g., US CDC Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response, and UK Public Health England;
- At an international public health organisation, e.g. the UN international strategy for disaster reduction, IFRC Regional Disaster Response Units, and World Health Organization; or
- At an academic institute specialised in emergency response, e.g. Emergency Preparedness and Response Exercise Program (EPREP) by the Harvard School of Public health, and OxSTaR (Oxford Simulation, Teaching and Research) Centre at University of Oxford.
The above lists of 4a and 4b are not exhaustive and applicants can applied for the fellowship with other related training courses and/or non-clinical placements with supporting information.
5. Application Procedures
Details of the fellowship and the application form can be downloaded from HKJCDPRI or CCOUC website. The completed form, a training plan and two letters of recommendation must be returned to HKJCDPRI Secretariat or CCOUC office.
The training plan details how the applicant will translate the learned overseas training knowledge and experience into capacity building initiatives for HKJCDPRI. Applications will be reviewed and approved by the HKJCDPRI Governance Board. Only successful applicants will be invited to an interview.
Separately, the applicant must also apply for the course(s) and/or placement which will start after the date of the confirmation of the award. We recommend applicants to do this before or at the same time as they apply for the Overseas Training Fellowship.
In case an awardee of the fellowship fails to secure the course(s) and/or placement proposed in the application form, prior approval will be required for proposing alternative course(s) and/or placement.
6. Dates of Application Commencement and Award
Three fellowships will be granted each year for 5 consecutive years from 2015 to 2019.
Application opens all year round. CCOUC, however, may change the dates of closure, taking into account of various circumstances.
7. Award Terms and Conditions
Overseas fellows are expected to agree to the terms and conditions of the Overseas Training Fellowship and sign the Final Award Letter. Some of the conditions stipulated in this letter are:
- Fellows are requested to assist HKJCDPRI and/or its working institutions in conducting public health training.
- Each fellow should be engaged as a team member for deployment to disaster sites in Hong Kong or overseas. S/he must undertake to respond to at least one of the first three deployment requests made/referred by HKJCDPRI after s/he has completed the training, or the fellow may need to pay back the award in monetary terms to HKJCDPRI.
- Each fellow needs to submit a report and/or deliver a sharing session on how to enhance capacity building initiatives of HKJCDPRI.
- Fellows are expected to complete the required training organised by CUHK, HKU and/or HKJCDPRI.
- Fellows should commence the course(s) and/or placement within 12 months of the confirmation date of the award and complete the course(s) and/or placement within 3 to 12 months.
8. Further Information

Enquiries should be made to HKJCDPRI Secretariat at hkjcdpri@hkam.org.hk
or +852 2871 8507; or CCOUC at ccouc@cuhk.edu.hk or +852 2252 8850.
Application form can be downloaded here.